The God Beyond Belief
Nick Trakakis (Springer: Nov 29, 2006), 276 pages.Table of Contents
- Foreword xi
- Preface xiii
- Note on gender-inclusive language xvii
- Introduction 1
- Aims and Limitations 2
- Methodology 4
- What Is a Good Argument? 8
- Overview 10
- Background to the Problem Evil 17
- Orthodox Theism 17
- The Problem of Evil 23
- Philosophical Background 23
- Goods and Evils 23
- Versions of the Problem of Evil 27
- Ethical Theory and the Problem of Evil 30
- Historical Background 33
- Rowe’s Evidential Arguments from Evil 47
- The Early Rowe (1978-86) 47
- The 1979 Argument 49
- The Theological Premise 50
- The Factual Premise 51
- Wykstra on Rowe’s Case in Support of the Factual Premise 55
- The Middle Rowe (1988-95) 57
- The Factual Premise Revisited 57
- The Inference-from P to Q 58
- The Structure of the Argument 61
- The Late Rowe (1996-present) 62
- Rowe’s New Evidential Argument 62
- Atheism or Agnosticism? 67
- Rowe’s Resurrection of the ‘Middle’ Argument from Evil 68
- What No Eye Has Seen: The Epistemi Foundations of Wykstra’s Cornea Critique 77
- The Original Cornea 78
- The Problem with C1 82
- Cornea and the Principle of Credulity 84
- Counterexamples to C2-C4 88
- C[subscript 4] and Noseeum Inferences 90
- Cornea Applied to Rowe’s Evidential Argument 99
- Applying C4.2 to Rowe’s Arguments 99
- Rowe’s Response to Cornea 101
- Cornea and the Burden of Reasonability 101
- Rowe on Step 2 of Wykstra’s Cornea Critique 104
- Wykstra’s Argument-Rowe’s Version 106
- The RST-EST Distinction 108
- The Inference from (5) to (6) Re-examined 109
- The Prospects for EST 110
- Appendix to ‘The Prospects for EST’ 115
- Rowe’s Restriction to RST 116
- Wykstra’s Argument – The Analogical Version 118
- Analogical Reasoning 119
- Rowe’s Critique of Wykstra’s Parent Analogy 121
- Wykstra’s Revised Parent Analogy 122
- Rowe’s Critique of the New Parent Analogy 124
- Further Objections to Rowe’s Noseeum Assumption 135
- Howard-Snyder’s Argument from Complex Goods 135
- Durston’s Argument from the Complexity of History 138
- The Progress Argument 145
- Alston’s Analogies 154
- In Support of the Inference from Inscrutable to Pointless Evil 163
- The Argument from Moral Scepticism 163
- Rowe’s Case in Support of RNA 174
- Concluding Remarks 181
- The Problem of Divine Hiddenness 189
- What is the Problem? 189
- Analogies in Support of RNA4 191
- The Case Against RNA4 194
- The Sceptical Theist Response 194
- The Appeal to Human Freedom 197
- Hick’s Freedom in Relation to God 197
- Swinburne’s Moral Freedom 206
- In Conclusion 216
- Meta-Theodicy: Adequacy Conditions for Theodicy 227
- The Evils to be Explained 228
- The Goods to be Invoked 233
- The Nature of Theodical Explanation 238
- Summary 242
- Theodicy Proper, or Casting Light on the Ways of God: Horrendous Moral Evil 251
- Sketch of a Theodicy 251
- Problem I: Curtailing the Exercise of Free Will 256
- Problem II: Necessary Evils? 261
- Tierno’s ‘Adequacy Argument’ Against Free Will Theodicies 261
- The Inadequacy of Tierno’s ‘Adequacy Argument’ 263
- Conclusion 269
- Theodicies for Natural Evil 275
- Soul-Making and Natural Evil 276
- Swinburne’s Free Will Theodicy 279
- Reichenbach’s Natural Law Theodicy 287
- Conclusion 295
- The Compatibility of Gratuitous Evil with Theism 303
- Van Inwagen’s God of Chance 304
- Van Inwagen’s No Minimum Thesis 309
- Taking the Sting Out of the No Minimum Thesis 314
- Peterson’s Rejection of Meticulous Providence 317
- Peterson on the Defensive 318
- Peterson on the Offensive 320
- Conclusion 324
- Conclusion: Is Rowe’s Evidential Argument Successful? 333
- The ‘G.E. Moore Shift’ 334
- Reconceiving God 337
- Rejecting God’s Perfect Goodness 337
- Rejecting Divine Omnipotence 338
- The Worship-Worthiness of God 340
- Concluding Remarks 341
- Bibliography 347
- Index 369