The Two Tasks of the Christian Scholar
William Lane Craig, Habib Malik, and Paul M. Gould, eds. (Crossway Books: October 2007), 208 pages.In September 1980 Charles Malik gave a powerful talk on the need for evangelicals to reclaim the mind, and to reclaim the universities. It was published that year in a brief book called The Two Tasks. A century after his birth, a number of Christian scholars, including his son, commemorates Malik and his stirring address. Thus this book. Seven Christian thinkers, including Peter Kreeft and William Lane Craig, remind us of the crucial importance of what Charles Malik said on that September day. And it was indeed a vital message. I have pulled from my shelves that quite thin volume (a mere 37 pages) and reread that incisive message. Malik rightly said that the “greatest danger besetting American Evangelical Christianity is the danger of anti-intellectualism.” He also said that the most urgent need is “not only to win souls but to save minds”. He correctly noted that the universities are the real battle ground today, and we need to see Christ exalted there as much as anywhere else. ~ William Muehlenberg at
Table of Contents
- Contributors 7
- Foreword: Reflections on Charles Malik Habib C. Malik 11
- The Two Tasks Introduced: The Fully Integrated Life of the Christian Scholar Paul M. Gould 17
- The Two Tasks Charles Malik 55
- The Two Tasks Revisited: Being a Christian in the Era of Civilization Clashes Habib C. Malik 67
- Where Would We Be Today If We Took Charles Malik’s Christian Critique of the University to Heart? Peter Kreeft 85
- On Being a Christian Professor in the Secular Academy Walter L. Bradley 109
- Spherical Cows and Mars Hill: A Heuristic Approach to the Two Tasks Robert Kaita 127
- The Text’s the Thing: Reflections from the Humanities John North 155
- Concluding Thoughts on the Two Tasks of the Christian Scholar William Lane Craig 177
- General Index 191
- Scripture Index 199